Welcome To Udaan Welfare Foundation
Udaan Welfare Foundation was seeded on 16th March 2008. The Foundation is a Non Profit Organisation and is a registered Society and Trust since October, 2008 with the Charity Commissioner, Mumbai.
(Society Reg. No. ”Maharashtra Rajya, Mumbai, 200 GBBSD, 2188 dt. 20.10.2008″; Trust Reg. No. ”F – 36842 [MUM] “)
Udaan is also registered with the Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi for receiving donations from Non Indian Passport holders vide – FCRA registration no. – 08404023.
Mission: To provide timely and meaningful support to needy children, women & Senior Citizens by effectively implementing projects in the area of Health, Education and Nutrition, which have a sustainable, cost effective and positive impact on society & Environment.
Vision: Giving wings to the hopes and aspirations of underprivileged and empowering them to a better tomorrow.
PROJECT - Saksham Community Centre
A hustling bustling place full of activities for young children, women and senior citizens; was once an unused 2100 sq. ft warehouse at Azad Nagar, Thane. Today, with the help of members, staff, volunteers and active participants, Saksham is a hub of health care and learning. Activities are conducted throughout the year and an advanced health-care setup provides its service effectively.
![Medical Services](https://www.udaanwelfare.org/wp-content/plugins/phastpress/phast.php/c2VydmljZT1pbWFnZXMmc3JjPWh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnVkYWFud2VsZmFyZS5vcmclMkZ3cC1jb250ZW50JTJGdXBsb2FkcyUyRjIwMjAlMkYxMCUyRmljb24xLnBuZyZjYWNoZU1hcmtlcj0xNjc2MzQ3NDU2LTIxNDExJnRva2VuPTc0NWJkZTQxYTE3OTdiZDA.q.png)
![Skill Development](https://www.udaanwelfare.org/wp-content/plugins/phastpress/phast.php/c2VydmljZT1pbWFnZXMmc3JjPWh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnVkYWFud2VsZmFyZS5vcmclMkZ3cC1jb250ZW50JTJGdXBsb2FkcyUyRjIwMjAlMkYxMCUyRmljb24zLnBuZyZjYWNoZU1hcmtlcj0xNjc2MzQ3NDU1LTIyMjM2JnRva2VuPWM0YzRkY2RlZDE1NGEyYzU.q.png)
![Welfare Work](https://www.udaanwelfare.org/wp-content/plugins/phastpress/phast.php/c2VydmljZT1pbWFnZXMmc3JjPWh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnVkYWFud2VsZmFyZS5vcmclMkZ3cC1jb250ZW50JTJGdXBsb2FkcyUyRjIwMjAlMkYxMCUyRmljb240LnBuZyZjYWNoZU1hcmtlcj0xNjc2MzQ3NDU1LTI1Njk5JnRva2VuPTJkOGZkYTIyOWRlNzdhNmU.q.png)
Awards and Recognition
Our Achievements
![Samaj Shakti Award for Medicine 2014](https://www.udaanwelfare.org/wp-content/plugins/phastpress/phast.php/c2VydmljZT1pbWFnZXMmc3JjPWh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnVkYWFud2VsZmFyZS5vcmclMkZ3cC1jb250ZW50JTJGdXBsb2FkcyUyRjIwMjAlMkYxMiUyRnNhbWFqLXNoYWt0aS1hd2FyZC11ZGFhbndlbGZhcmUucG5nJmNhY2hlTWFya2VyPTE2NzYzNDc0NTUtNDk3OTgmdG9rZW49ZWRhNDg5ODkwNzgzOGIyYg.q.png)
![Samaj Shakti Award for Medicine 2014](https://www.udaanwelfare.org/wp-content/plugins/phastpress/phast.php/c2VydmljZT1pbWFnZXMmc3JjPWh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnVkYWFud2VsZmFyZS5vcmclMkZ3cC1jb250ZW50JTJGdXBsb2FkcyUyRjIwMjAlMkYxMiUyRnNhbWFqLXNoYWt0aS1hd2FyZC11ZGFhbndlbGZhcmUyLnBuZyZjYWNoZU1hcmtlcj0xNjc2MzQ3NDU1LTQyMjM2JnRva2VuPTBiMjZiMTI4OTFmZDYwMTk.q.png)
![Samaj Shakti Award
![NGO Leadership & Excellence Award 2015](https://www.udaanwelfare.org/wp-content/plugins/phastpress/phast.php/c2VydmljZT1pbWFnZXMmc3JjPWh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnVkYWFud2VsZmFyZS5vcmclMkZ3cC1jb250ZW50JTJGdXBsb2FkcyUyRjIwMjAlMkYxMiUyRnN0YXJuZXdzLWFicC1hd2FyZC5wbmcmY2FjaGVNYXJrZXI9MTY3NjM0NzQ1NS00OTMyOSZ0b2tlbj1kMTllODIzMjBmY2E1ZTg0.q.png)
![NGO Leadership & Excellence Award 2015](https://www.udaanwelfare.org/wp-content/plugins/phastpress/phast.php/c2VydmljZT1pbWFnZXMmc3JjPWh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnVkYWFud2VsZmFyZS5vcmclMkZ3cC1jb250ZW50JTJGdXBsb2FkcyUyRjIwMjAlMkYxMCUyRmF3YXJkcy0zLnBuZyZjYWNoZU1hcmtlcj0xNjc2MzQ3NDU1LTEwNjUzNCZ0b2tlbj1lNDVmYWVkM2E1YWUzYjlh.q.png)
![Smt. P. N. Doshi Women’s College of Arts, Mumbai 2016](https://www.udaanwelfare.org/wp-content/plugins/phastpress/phast.php/c2VydmljZT1pbWFnZXMmc3JjPWh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnVkYWFud2VsZmFyZS5vcmclMkZ3cC1jb250ZW50JTJGdXBsb2FkcyUyRjIwMjAlMkYxMiUyRndvbWVucy1jb2xsZWdlb2FydHMtYXdhcmQucG5nJmNhY2hlTWFya2VyPTE2NzYzNDc0NTUtNDcwNjQmdG9rZW49M2FmNWVkOTJmNDMwNTIzYw.q.png)
![Felicitation by JJT University, Jhunjhunu 2017](https://www.udaanwelfare.org/wp-content/plugins/phastpress/phast.php/c2VydmljZT1pbWFnZXMmc3JjPWh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnVkYWFud2VsZmFyZS5vcmclMkZ3cC1jb250ZW50JTJGdXBsb2FkcyUyRjIwMjAlMkYxMiUyRkZlbGljaXRhdGlvbi1ieS1KSlQtVW5pdmVyc2l0eS11ZGFhbi5wbmcmY2FjaGVNYXJrZXI9MTY3NjM0NzQ1NS0zOTM4OSZ0b2tlbj1lNmQ1NmQ5MTMwYTFiMjZh.q.png)
![Galaxy Social Awards
![Certificate of Merit by the World CSR Congress 2018](https://www.udaanwelfare.org/wp-content/plugins/phastpress/phast.php/c2VydmljZT1pbWFnZXMmc3JjPWh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnVkYWFud2VsZmFyZS5vcmclMkZ3cC1jb250ZW50JTJGdXBsb2FkcyUyRjIwMjAlMkYxMiUyRndvcmxkLWNzci1jb25ncmVzcy1hd2FyZC11ZGFhbi5wbmcmY2FjaGVNYXJrZXI9MTY3NjM0NzQ1NS00NzczOSZ0b2tlbj03ZjZlMzFlMjdhZWQ2YTEz.q.png)
![International Board of Medicine & Surgery 2018](https://www.udaanwelfare.org/wp-content/plugins/phastpress/phast.php/c2Vydml/jZT1pbWFnZXMmc3JjPWh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnVkYWFud2VsZmFyZS5vcmclMkZ3cC1jb250ZW50JTJGdXBsb2FkcyUyRjIwMjAlMkYxMiUyRkludGVybmF0aW9uYm9hcmQtbWVkaWNpbmUtc3VyZ2VyeS1hd2FyZC11ZGFhbi5wbmcmY2FjaGVNYXJrZXI9MTY3NjM0NzQ1NS0yNjE3NCZ0b2tlbj1mOTQ2ZjFhY2I4OTIzOGRl.q.png)
![NGOs in Healthcare & Leadership Award 2019](https://www.udaanwelfare.org/wp-content/plugins/phastpress/phast.php/c2VydmljZT1pbWFnZXMmc3JjPWh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnVkYWFud2VsZmFyZS5vcmclMkZ3cC1jb250ZW50JTJGdXBsb2FkcyUyRjIwMjAlMkYxMCUyRmF3YXJkcy00LnBuZyZjYWNoZU1hcmtlcj0xNjc2MzQ3NDU1LTY2NDQ5JnRva2VuPTk2ZDBiZmVkNGNkM2U1MWI.q.png)
![Nominated for Green Globe Awards for Rainwater Harvesting 2011](https://www.udaanwelfare.org/wp-content/plugins/phastpress/phast.php/c2VydmljZT1pbWFnZXMmc3JjPWh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnVkYWFud2VsZmFyZS5vcmclMkZ3cC1jb250ZW50JTJGdXBsb2FkcyUyRjIwMjAlMkYxMiUyRmF3YXJkcy1tbmltb25hdGlvbi5wbmcmY2FjaGVNYXJrZXI9MTY3NjM0NzQ1NS02MjE3OCZ0b2tlbj02YzlkMDFlMTFlNmJiYzVm.q.png)
![award nomination waste water recylcing](https://www.udaanwelfare.org/wp-content/plugins/phastpress/phast.php/c2VydmljZT1pbWFnZXMmc3JjPWh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnVkYWFud2VsZmFyZS5vcmclMkZ3cC1jb250ZW50JTJGdXBsb2FkcyUyRjIwMjAlMkYxMiUyRmF3YXJkcy1tbmltb25hdGlvbjIucG5nJmNhY2hlTWFya2VyPTE2NzYzNDc0NTUtNjIxNzgmdG9rZW49ZTYwY2UzNDQ3YWYyZjk3Yg.q.png)
What They Say About Our Work
Over the past year (2018), I have been helping the participants of the Saksham Tejaswini project with Digital Literacy and teaching them how Mobile and Internet services can help them in their daily lives. Every batch at Saksham Tejaswini brings new eager participants who identify themselves with various roles. Some are mothers, some housewives, some breadwinners and some eager students. Over the course of the many classes and sessions, they participate in and through an atmosphere that teaches the importance of self-empowerment they are given a chance to view themselves as just - themselves. It has been a privilege to be part of such a progressive endeavour.
Mr. Dhruv ShuklaI am postgraduate in International Marketing. Udaan is a place where you can explore yourself and be free to use your creative space. I have loved working with Udaan, it has given me a space to find myself. We did put a stall to raise funds for Udaan and helped in organising children’s day celebrations. We even organised a mini Edufest independently for boys and was a great experience.
Palak DudhaniWe the students of Symbiosis Institute of Mass Communication, Pune interned with Udaan Welfare Foundation for a period of 15 days in November 2019. Our experience of working here was extremely enriching for each one of us. Seeing the empowering work that is being carried out at Saksham Community Centre was extremely enlightening and showed us there are no limits if one wants to help those around. Seeing the enthusiastic children and determined women working hard despite their struggles in life has motivated us to strive towards our dreams. We were warmly treated by everyone at Udaan from Dr. Anil Luniya Sir, all members, faculties, and all other volunteers present. Ultimately, it has been a privilege to have got the opportunity to work here and we hope our services were helpful to the organisation -
Team SIMC, PuneI am a part-time dentist and full-time public health enthusiast. The health of the population has been one of the most important driving forces of my life. And Udaan’s work in healthcare along with the overall welfare of individuals and communities had motivated me to become part of this wonderful organisation. I have conducted oral health talks for women and children in an attempt to improve their awareness about the importance of good oral hygiene.
Dr. Sonali DasI am working since 2013 on behalf of NGO Udaan Welfare Foundation at the Technology Centre in Ma Niketan. I thank the President of Udaan Welfare Foundation - Dr. Anil K. Luniya and all Udaan members for all their generosity and starting the computer Centre in Ma Niketan to impart knowledge to the lesser privileged girls through technology. The girls have benefitted tremendously over the last 8 years.
Shaila Kamdar Administrator cum TeacherI was introduced to Udaan, when I first visited the Saksham Community Centre to get my daughter’s eye checkup done. I learnt more about Udaan, the facilities and the various services that Saksham provided. Impressed by their work, I being a post-graduate in M.A. (History) with 10 years of teaching experience in the field of computers, decided to take up the post of teacher at Saksham’s Technology Centre. Since April 2018, I have been at Saksham, teaching Corel Draw, Photoshop and Tally. I really enjoy working here and receive great responses from the students. The consistent improvement in their learning, reinforces my confidence in the children’s abilities and my own capabilities to do better.
Mrs. Vanita MagadeWanting to contribute for social causes in our home country was something that I and my like-minded friends wanted to do from Dubai. Of many NGOs we contacted for the donation of educational aids, we found Udaan Welfare Foundation the most professional. A visit to their Saksham Community Centre reinforced our trust that this was an NGO who was really making a difference in the lives of less privileged children and women. It was inspiring to see highly qualified professionals like their President - Dr Luniya and their team dedicate their time every day enthusiastically and untiringly towards various educational and empowerment initiatives. Hearty Congratulations and best wishes!
Mrs Archana Pradhan